12 ways to expand biz brand

12 Ways to Expand Your Business Brand and Look Professional

Published June 21, 2023
By Digital Web Chef Staff

According to the American Marketing Association, "a brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. It is also worth noting that a brand can stand for something, make people feel something, instill trust, tell a story, and many others. No matter what industry you're in or how large your company is, every business can benefit from a strong brand.

Let's suppose you're shopping for a new car. Do you want something with luxury and status? Chances are you'll wish for a Jaguar or a Porsche. Are you more concerned about safety and reliability? Then you might consider a Toyota or a Honda. You also might avoid certain car brands because of how you feel about them (e.g., when people think of Ford, they might think, "Fix or repair daily"). This is an example of how consumers are drawn to different brands of products and services more than others.

When starting a new business, you must consider how you want your business to be perceived and how to set yourself apart from other business owners in your niche. For example, do you want clients to see you as the cheapest option? The fastest option? Or maybe the most comprehensive option (the "one-stop shop" of choice, so to speak)?

Several factors go into building a business brand. Before prospective clients buy any service from you, they must buy into YOU and be sold on YOU. All things being equal, people refer businesses to people they know, like, and trust

Follow these twelve tips below, and you'll be on your way to developing your brand and looking more professional:

1. Come Up with a Good Name for Your Business

Often, your brand begins with your business name. Customers can develop preconceived notions about your brand from your business name alone. A more traditional or formal name may appear more severe and potentially even more trustworthy. A fun or silly name can be more memorable and approachable. On the other hand, a complicated or obscure business name can easily be forgotten and could deter customers from doing business with you.

If you're getting your new business off the ground, take some time to develop a few options for your company name. Narrow down your top picks, and then choose your favorite. Need help to brainstorm business names for your company? Check out this
 article for some helpful tips.

2. Invest in a Professionally Designed Logo

A well-designed logo will be one of your most essential branding elements. You can think of your logo as the foundation of your brand identity. The colors, text, and other parts of your logo will set the tone for all your efforts and brand.

When other people catch sight of your logo, you'll want them to associate it with memories of what your company does and how it makes them feel. For instance, whenever you're driving around and see the McDonald's golden arches at a distance, what immediate memories or feelings might you have? In most cases, you'll be reminded of a company known for selling cheap food quickly and maybe even memories of eating Happy Meals when you were younger. Suppose you're grocery shopping and see a 20-ounce Coca-Cola in the impulse buy section. You might recall pleasant get-togethers where you enjoyed a Coke with friends and family.

While you could take the do-it-yourself (DIY) route and use a tool like Canva to create your logo, hiring someone to design it professionally for you will be worth the investment. 
Fiverr can be a great place to start - as you browse the different graphic designers, pay attention to their portfolios and reviews from past buyers. You could also use a service like DesignCrowd, where you post a project and have multiple freelancers send you logo concepts to choose from.

3. Order Business Cards

After you have a logo, you'll want to design and print some business cards you can hand out at marketing and networking events. You never know when someone will ask for a card whenever you are out. Vistaprint is a top-rated vendor for business cards - they have plenty of templates and options for you.

4. Get a Custom Email Address @ Your Domain

A custom email address is a fast and easy way to elevate your brand and help you appear more professional. Rather than using your email address, opt for an email that you will use exclusively for business. Sending and receiving emails through a talk with your business domain name will keep your branding consistent and can impact how clients and prospects perceive your business.

Many online domain providers also offer an add-on service in which you can easily purchase a custom email domain. You can also use a popular service provider such as 
Google Workspace and Office 365 for Business. These options come with added perks, such as online storage space and document editing capabilities.

5. Create an Email Signature

This will help you professionally sign off on all your email messages. When people see your logo and contact info at the bottom of an email that uses the same colors and fonts as your website and other marketing materials, this will help you create a strong sense of brand recognition and professionalism.

Ideally, you'll want your email signature to be 3 - 4 lines max and include your name, title, and a link to your website. You can step it up by having your headshot or company logo and looking for an excellent way to stylize your email signature. 
HubSpot and WiseStamp both offer a free email signature generator.

6. Get a Dedicated Business Phone Line

Just as it's a best practice to keep your personal and business finances separate, you'll also want to keep your personal and business phone lines disconnected. Sure, you could use just one phone number for personal and business use, but keep in mind that you might have clients try to call you after hours when you're trying to enjoy some downtime. Having a separate number for business calls will contribute to your work/life balance and help you become more professional.

Most services are very affordable and easy to set up. One of the best free options is 
Google Voice - as long as you have a Gmail account, you can get a free local number to forward calls to your smartphone. However, if you'd like the ability to track call duration, hold times, and other metrics, then Nextiva would be an excellent alternative.

7. Update or Create Your Social Media Profiles

Using your accounts for your business's social media presence may seem convenient. However, just as you would create a custom email address with your business domain, you should also set up social media pages for your business. Not only will your business's profile pages appear professional, but there are a lot of great features you can take advantage of when you set up social media accounts dedicated to your business.

While a website is essential for the long-term success of any business, having multiple social media accounts is vital for getting discovered in more places. The more places people can find you, the better. Use the same logo, colors, and other branding elements throughout your social media accounts to be consistent. Also, make sure that the tone and messaging you use in social media are compatible with the style and messaging you use for your business in other places.

While you don't need to be on every platform, you'll at least want to be on 
Facebook and LinkedIn. In addition to posting valuable content (such as quotes or pro tips), you can also run ads to target local small business owners.

8. Host a Live Event or Workshop

This allows you to provide value and showcase your knowledge and expertise while elevating your brand. Ensure your message or topics reflect your company's brand and goals.

If you host a webinar or other virtual live event and use PowerPoint or Google Slides, your slides should display the same color scheme, font scheme, logo, and other branding elements used on your website and other places to reinforce your brand identity. On the other hand, if you prefer to conduct a seminar or workshop in person, you'll want to have business cards and other marketing materials ready to hand out. You could even have signage to flank you and reinforce your message and brand.

Whether you host a live event in person or virtually, remember to record the live event. This way, you can use clips and photos of it on YouTube and other social media to enhance your brand.

9. Publish a Blog Article and Press Release

This will help spread the word about you and your new venture. You don't want to discuss your services when writing a blog article. You'll also want to lead with value, such as talking about the importance of a small business website. Be sure to have a solid call to action (CTA) near the end of the blog post (e.g., "If you're ready to get a website for your business, click here to schedule a free consultation"). You might want to consider offering an incentive to your first ten customers.

A press release can help generate more exposure for you and your brand. According to the 
Horton Group, the benefits of a well-written press release include the following:
  • Serving as an excellent public relations & marketing tool
  • Helping you control your story
  • Improving your SEO
  • Boosting your social media
  • Displaying your expertise

Whether you publish a blog article or a press release (if not both), remember that adding more content about your company to the web gives you a better "digital footprint." This also gives you more stuff you can refer back to in your email signature and other marketing pieces to enhance your brand further. 

10. Utilize Marketing Resources

Here at Digital Web Chef, we are committed to your success. Remember that your website and logo can serve as your company's central hub of marketing and branding.

11. Create Promotional Products & Apparel

Consider items relevant to your business and target market and give them to local business owners. Promotional products such as mugs and mouse pads can grab their attention, remind them of your brand, and put it in a positive light for them.

Promotional apparel with an imprint of your business logo (and website URL) is a great way to market your business brand further. Hand out t-shirts, hats, tote bags, etc., to your family, friends, and loyal customers. Not only will they get excited by the complimentary swag, but they can become free brand promoters as they wear it while walking around town. 

12. Be Authentic and Tell Your Story

Every successful business brand conveys a powerful narrative reinforcing its core beliefs, values, and mission. People establish an emotional connection with stories, which creates a stronger bond with the company.

To help support your brand image, create your own origin story. Incorporate authentic photographs and display them in your website's "about us" section to give a visual element. The most important thing is to be confident in your story and keep it consistent with your brand.

Remember that effective branding is all about consistency: ensure your logo, colors, fonts, messaging, and other elements are the same throughout all your online and offline channels.

Are you ready to create a winning brand for your business? Click here to schedule your free consultation.