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How to Maintain Brand Consistency for Businesses on the Internet

Published December 21, 2023
By Digital Web Chef Staff

Inconsistency in your branding could be the reason your business isn't growing. To fix it, first, understand why consistency matters and take the necessary steps to ensure your branding is on point.

Consistent Business Branding is Key to Success

Consistency is essential when you start a business and tell people about it. If you use different pictures or words in other places, people might get confused and not want to be your customers anymore. So, always use the same images and words when discussing your business online.

Don't Confuse Your Audience
If you present different versions of your brand on other platforms, you might confuse people, and they may stop following you. That's why it's crucial to maintain consistency across all channels, whether you're marketing your business or providing customer service.

Brand So They Don't Forget You

Consistent business branding is an effective way to make your company more memorable and reduce confusion. Your potential customers must see or interact with your brand multiple times before purchasing.

Consistent branding can help people recognize your company across different platforms. For instance, someone may see an ad on Instagram, then watch a video on YouTube, come across an interesting daily post on Facebook, or find an organic post on Twitter the following day.

Building Trust is a Must

A consistent online branding strategy can help you establish trust with your audience. Frequently changing the colors or wording in your posts could lead to a loss of confidence.

Therefore, adhering as closely as possible to your existing branding is advisable. You want your customers to trust you as an expert in your field, leading to a better working relationship.

Sales, Sales, Sales

If you earn more money, you can increase your income and charge higher rates. However, your branding will not be effective if it is inconsistent.

Although brand consistency doesn't guarantee sales, it can improve your chances of making more sales. To ensure your success, use branding that appeals to your ideal client.

Visuals Make a Difference

Visuals are vital for branding and marketing. Create a recognizable logo, and choose consistent brand colors and fonts. Use these visuals in graphics for your website and social media.

Ensure any pictures match your brand's visual identity. Avoid bright and contrasting backgrounds if you prefer neutral colors.

Templates Are Your Best Friend

Make reusable patterns to easily modify words and images for new pictures when creating social media images.

Brand Tone of Voice:  Develop It!

Using the appropriate language and tone when discussing your business with others is crucial.

To figure out what words to use, you can ask people who might be interested in your business what they care about. The more you listen to them, the better you can talk to them. When you use the exact words they use, it makes them feel like you're listening, and they might want to buy from you.

Adapt the Brand Voice to the Platform

When you want to talk about your brand, you might use different methods, depending on where you are talking. For example, you can write something on Twitter but make a video for Instagram or YouTube.
Checking the word count for each platform is essential. That way, you know if you need to write a little or a lot.

You may also want to provide links to different customer platforms, such as scheduling tools, websites, or webinars.

Branding Kit or Style Guide:  You Have to Have One

After developing the visuals and your brand voice, you can combine them in a brand kit or style guide. This document can be stored on your computer or in the cloud.

Then, you can refer to your style guide whenever you don't know what to say in a social post or website. A brand kit will also be helpful if you hire a team.

You can send a copy of the document to your new employees so that they know what to use when they create social posts or website content. That will help you keep everything consistent, even when you no longer do all the work.

Check out the Competition

When you want to make sure your brand looks and sounds good, it's a good idea to see how others do it before showing it to everyone. You can complete the work using special tools like Google Drive or Dropbox.
Remember to check the pictures and words to make sure they are good. If you have any problems, you can ask the person who did it to fix it. Once everything looks great, you can put it on your website or social media.

Branding Audit = Brand Up Keep

It's essential to check that everything looks the same when you show your brand to people. You can do this by conducting a branding audit on each content you share, such as pictures or messages.

It helps you fix anything that doesn't look right and ensures people still like your brand. You can also check if people are still interested in your brand by counting the number of people looking at it or buying it. If not, you can make some minor changes to improve it.

Now, You Know How to Maintain Brand Consistency on the Internet

We hope this article has revealed some things needed to ensure your brand is always on point. We know someone will create new techniques and methods over time. Digital Web Chef is here to help.

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